Pba License Plate Nj
When I was first employed as a Police Officer in New Jersey there were plates issued to Officers that signified that they were Police Officers and those plates contained three letters and the number seven(7). Likewise the number four(4) was usually reserved for the Mayors of the various towns and so forth and so on. The New Jersey Police Honor Legion The Honor Legion of the Police Departments of the State of New Jersey was incorporated on December 27th, 1966 under the simple premise of recognizing the ‘Finest of the Finest’ for their many acts of heroism and valor. License plates from other states must be returned to the state that issued the plates. License plates cannot be surrendered at Inspection Stations. Note: Make sure you receive a receipt. It will serve as proof that the plates were surrendered; in the event that charges are wrongfully acquired on them. Send by mail to: New Jersey Motor. PBA License Plates Every member of the PBA may have PBA license plates issued to them for display on vehicles owned or registered to the member or the member’s spouse. There is a $50 fee. Courtesy Cards Each year, members are issued 10 PBA Courtesy Cards that can be given to supporters of law enforcement.
Click “HERE”to view/download our APPLICATION for membership
Eligible membership in Local #600 is defined as one who was a Police Officer, Correction Officer, ABC, Conservation Officer, Park Police, Marine Police (prior to State Police merger), Campus Police Officer and others who attained retirement status as defined by the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System of the State of New Jersey and was a member of good standing with a Local of the New Jersey State PBA at the time of retirement. All retired officers, without regard to rank, will be eligible to join PBA Local #600.
Applications received/approved within the last three months of any calendar year will be a member for the remainder of that year, and the following year.
Support your favorite cause by ordering dedicated, i.e., special interest, license plates.

There is an initial $50 fee and a $10 annual renewal, with two exceptions: USS New Jersey Battleship is a $15 annual renewal fee; Agriculture is an initial $20 fee with no annual renewal.
In addition, you can personalize your special interest plates with up to five characters for an initial $100 fee plus the annual renewal fee.
Pba License Plate Nj
Dedicated plates can be ordered online (MyMVC account number required), unless the vehicle is leased. In this case, please contact the MVC’s Special Plates Unit at 609-292-6500 ext. 5061.
You can also download the Personalized Plate Application for Dedicated Plate (Form SP-100D) and either send it through the mail or bring it to a motor vehicle agency to complete the request. If submitting through the mail, send the application along with a check or money order for $100 payable to the NJMVC to:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Plate Unit
225 East State Street
PO Box 15
Trenton, NJ 08666-0015 Frilly sissy boys on tumblr youtube.

Select a dedicated plate:
Pba License Plate Nj Dmv

Pba License Plate Nj State
- Treasure our trees+
+ Treasure our Trees plates are available for both passenger and commercial vehicles.
Pba License Plate Nj
Related Links
Standard PlatesPersonalized Plates
Dedicated Plates (Special Interest)
Specialty Plates (Organizational)
Sports Plates
Special Vehicle Plates (Historic/Hot Rod)
Persons with a disability
Application for License Plates Requiring Approved Authorization SP-23
Information Sheet for License Plates Requiring Approval Authorization [pdf]