DeadCore For Mac

Deadcore is now available for download on PC, Mac and Linux. Registax for mac download torrent. Deadcore (+2 Trainer) LinGon Deadcore (+2 Trainer) TRAiNERGAMES Fixes. Buy DeadCore and get started right now - Gamesrocket is the turbo charger for games to download! A wide selection of PC games and Mac games of many different.
Buy DeadCore and get started right now - Gamesrocket is the turbo charger for games to download! Get DeadCore and much more! A wide selection of PC games and Mac games of many different genres is available for instant games download after the purchase, ranging from current top games to well-known games classics and a huge assortment of MMOs. Deadcore Review. The mix of first-person shooter mechanics and platforming-based gameplay is not an entirely new one with game series like Portal and Mirror's Edge towing the line between the two.DeadCore treads a similar line mixing the two genres but instead leaning on a more ‘twitch’ focused style of play. Level design is centered around tight and narrow vertical platforming, forcing.
ABOUT THE GAMEAfter an endless fall through powerful magnetic storms.. youawaken.
Your memory erased, you start exploring the world around you.Someone or something is pushing you higher and higher. Suddenly,you spot the most gigantic Tower emerging from the mists. You soonunderstand that to get the answers to your questions.. you have toclimb its summit.
However, this is no mean feat. The Tower is protected by ahigh-tech security system made up of complex mechanisms, fatallasers, and robots constantly tracking your every move.
If you are to survive, you'll need to use all your skills (jumping,double-jumping, dashing etc. ) and make good use of your SwitchGun:which can be used to enable or disable traps and robots in order toreach the top of the Tower and uncover the secrets of itsorigins.

Deadcore For Mac Os
Deadcore For Macbook Air

- Explore a mysterious world composed of immense and staggeringlevels with a labyrinth of secret passages to discover.
- Unlock new powers and upgrades in order to access new areas ofthe Tower.
- Challenge your friends and take them head on with our onlineleaderboards in Speedrun mode where every hundredth of a secondcounts!
- Reveal the secrets of the Tower by collecting fragments ofmemory from its former inhabitants as well as new levels and musicfor Speedrun mode.
Deadcore For Macbook Pro