Dark Secret Sims Freeplay
- Sims Freeplay Secret Door
- The Sims Freeplay Dark Secret House
- Sims Freeplay For Ipad Cheats
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(Check the link for the latest version, the text below was updated onthe 24th of September 2015, all quests have beenverifiedwith the Family Furnishings update (July 2019) as well!)
- This is the Dark Secret House! I took a lot of things out but I only took out 2 doors, A bed, and a stove. The house it awesome, I bought it for 15 LP.
- Robin Burkinshaw, a Sims 3 fan from the UK, created two sims—Kev and his daughter, Alice. He then built them a 'home' that resembled a park, outfitted them with all sorts of behaviors commonly found in real-life homeless individuals (attempting to simulate mental illness using a series of traits), and chronicled their lives on a website.
Log in to Sims Free play on that Facebook account 4. See all results for this question. Go to the party boat and see friends list. Exit Sims Freeplay 6. Log out of Facebook and log into other account 7. Enter Sims Freeplay, and Log out of the Facebook link, then log back in to the Facebook link using other account.
Please note thatthe official version does NOT contain links to quest details!

Which Quest Comes When?
Thereare anumber of quests availablein The Sims FreePlay that unlock new content and features. We haveincludedsome of the important ones that you may need to know below. Rememberthat you will need to have completed all of these quests in the orderreceived to unlock the quests that follow, particularly if you arealready above the appropriate level to unlock the quest. E.g.You will not have access to The Mysterious Island quest without firsthaving completed the Ocean View Estate quest.
Some of you mayhave already completed some of these quests aseventsin previous updates, so you may not see all of these quests appear inyour game.
Thefirst link for each quest points to the complete and detailed questtexts, which were gathered,reworked, typed and completed with screenshots all by me.Firemonkeys refused -despite asking- to give me the quest-lines.
Please send only links to others, as this has taken me many many manyhours of playing several games from scratch!
Discovery quests become available alongside theregular quests and theyneed to be started by performing or building something. For example:The Book of Spells requires you to build Sorcerous Supplies to startthe quest, whereas A Dance to Remember is started by tapping the bubbleabove the couple in the Park. This means you can do these at the sametime with a regular quest.
- BreadWinner:Unlockedat Level 6 to unlock the Cookingability and hobby.
- MoneyGrows on Trees:Unlockedat Level 7 to gain access to the Simoleon Sprout and Life Point Lotusplants.
- Loveis in the Air: Unlockedat Level 7to gain access to the Park lot and Marriage foryour Sims. *Additional reward: 'Wedding OutfitsBundle' available in the Costume & Swim shop.
- Twoand a half Sims: Unlockedat level 8 to unlock the ability to have babies inyour town. *Additional reward: Unlocks'Baby Decoration Pack' for purchase from the Home Store.
- DiscoveryQuest: TheBook of Spells:Availablefrom Level 8 and on. Unlocks the Spellcasting and Broomstick Flying Hobbies. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Dragons' as a pet for purchase from the Pet Store.
- OceanView Estate: Unlocked atLevel 9to gain access to the RealEstate Career and PremiumHome lots on the Town Map. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Beachside Escape' Premium House to build.
- DiscoveryQuest: ADance to Remember: Availablefromlevel 9 and on. Unlocks the SalsaDancing and Break Dancing hobbies. *Additionalreward: Unlock 'Lavish Rugs' for your home, purchasable from the HomeStore.
- TheMysterious Island: UnlockedatLevel 10 to gain access to the Mystery Island area of Sim Town bybuilding the Bridge. *Additional reward: 'Island ReplicaSentinel' is unlocked in your inventory.
- Raidersof the Lost Artifacts:Unlockedatlevel 10 to unlock Monuments and Resources from the MysteryIsland. *Additional reward: Ability to collect the'Treasure Chest prize pack' (not available in Online Store).
- DiscoveryQuest: Nanny Knows Best: Availablefrom level 10 and on. Unlocks additional infant interactionsand the Musical Expression hobby. *Additional reward: Unlocksinfant overall clothing pack.
- Needfor Steed:Unlocked atlevel 11 tounlock Horsesand the Stables on the Mystery Island. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Large Unicorn Painting' for purchase from the HomeStore.
- DiscoveryQuest: Vacationer'sGuide to the Outdoors:Availablefrom level 11 and on. Unlocks access to Deer Springs Falls, and the Survivalistand Storyteller hobbies. *Additional reward:Unlocks sleeping bags for purchase from the Home Store.
- AQuest for Toddlers: Unlockedatlevel 12 to unlock the ability to grow your babies into Toddlers,as well as have access to the 'Adopt a Toddler' in-app purchase actionavailable via Sim's phones within the game. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'The Dress-Up Chest' for free in the Home Store.
- DiscoveryQuest: TheSunset Mall: Availablefrom level12 and on. Unlocks the Sunset Mall stores and unlocks the CatWalk and 10 Pin Bowling hobbies. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Pickle Sauce', a burger bar on the second floor of themall.
- Discovery Quest: Pretty Little Planters: Availablefrom level 12? and on. Unlocks the 'Wumples PlayCenter' and the second floor of the mall. *Additional reward:Unlocks the 'See-Saw' for toddlers.
- It'sAll Going Swimmingly: Unlockedatlevel 13 to unlock the ability to build Pools inyour house lots. *Additional reward: Unlocks'Volleyball Net' for pools for purchase in the Home Store.
- Discovery Quest: Super Toddler Secret Mission: Availablefrom level 13 and on. Unlocks the Finger Painting hobby. *Additionalreward: Unlocks the 'Super Toddler' clothing pack.
- TheHidden Unicorn:Unlocked atlevel 14 to unlock the ShowJumping Hobby at the Stables. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Unicorn Rocking Horse' for purchase from the HomeStore.
- InDa Clubhouse:Unlocked atlevel 14 to unlock the ToddlerPlayhouse Hobby for Toddlers. *Additionalreward: Unlocks 'Big Wheeled Trikes' forpurchase from the Home Store.
- DiscoveryQuest: Royal Lineage: Availablefrom level 14 and on. Unlocks access to the Royal Castle,Royal Decrees and the Archeryand Jester hobbies. *Additional reward: Unlocks'Fairies' as a pet for purchase from the Pet Store.
- Preparingfor Preteens:Unlockedat level 15to unlock the ability to age Toddler Sims into Preteens andthe 'Adopt a Preteen' in-app purchase action available via Sim's phoneswithin the game.
- DiscoveryQuest: DIY Homes:Peaceful Patio:Availablefrom Level 15 and on. Unlocks the ability to build outdoor patios. *Additionalreward: Unlocks the Make-Out Couch for purchase from the HomeStore.
- Sous Judgemental:Unlocked atLevel 16 to gain access to the Restaurant building on the Town Map. *Additionalreward: Chefs Outfits pack for the Costume & SwimStore on the Town Map.
- AnAlien Concept: Weather Machines:Unlockedat Level 16 to gain access to the Weather Machine. *Additionalreward: 'Winter Clothing Pack' in the Costume & SwimStore on the Town Map and Winter Accessories for your Sims (accessiblewhen you create a Sim or through a Wardrobe).
- Multi-StoryRenovations: Unlocked atLevel 17to unlock the ability to add additionalstories to your Sims' Houses. *Additional reward:Unlocks 'Elevators & Escalators Pack' for purchase from theHome Store.
- DiscoveryQuest: DIY Homes: Lovey-Dovey Balcony:Availablefrom Level 17 and on, once DIY Homes:Peaceful Patios and Multi-StoryRenovations are complete. Unlocks the ability to build balconies.*Additional reward: Unlocks planters and decorativeprivacy screens for purchase from the Home Store.
- DiscoveryQuest: DIY Homes: Basement of Kings:Availableonce DIY Homes:Lovey-Dovey Balcony is completed. Unlocks the ability tobuild basements. *Additional reward:Unlocks the ability to build the 'DIY Home' housing lot.
- Comingof Age: Unlocked atLevel 18 tounlock the ability to age Preteen Sims into Teens,the 'Adopt a Teen' purchase action available via Sim's phones withinthe game, as well as the 'Adopt a Preteen' purchase action (if you didnot already unlocked it via the Preparing for Preteens quest).
- HigherEducation:Unlocked atLevel 19 togain access to the High School building on the Town Map.
- ThePirate and his Goddess:Unlockedat Level 19 to unlock tradingat the Jolly Rabbit Pirate Ship on the Mystery Island. *Additionalreward: Unlocks the 'Pirate Fashion Pack' in the Salon.
- TheRoad to Fame:Unlockedat level 20to gain access to the TeenIdol Hobby, Teen Idol instrument actions and to build theSimtown Sign on the Town Map. *Additional reward:Unlocks 'Premium Teen Idol Musical Instrument Pack' for purchase fromthe Home Store.
- Adulthood: Unlockedat Level 21 to unlock the ability to age Teen Sims into AdultSims. *Additionalreward: Unlocks the 'Adult Fashion Pack' (makes some Teen-only clothingoptions available to Adult Sims) in the Salon and Wardrobe.
- GhostHunters:Unlocked atLevel 22 tounlock the GhostHunter hobby and make Haunted items available forpurchase in the HomeStore. *Additional reward: Unlocks the'Haunted House' housing lot to build.
- Seniors:Unlockedat Level 23 to unlock the ability to age Adult Sims into SeniorSims. *Additional reward: Unlocks 'Exercise Cycle'for purchase from the Home Store.
- Bird-Feeding:Unlockedat Level 24 to unlock the BirdFeeding hobby. *Additional reward: Unlocks'Parrot on a Perch' for purchase from the Home Store.
- InStitches: Unlocked atLevel 25 to unlock the Quiltinghobby. *Additional reward: Unlocks the'Patchwork Teddybear' for purchase from the Home Store.
- LifeDreams & Legacies:Unlockedat Level 26 to unlock LifeDreams, Life Orb, automaticaging of Sims, and personalities. *Additionalreward: Unlocks the 'Singing Salmon' for purchase from the Home Store -you will receive a FREE Singing Salmon if you have already unlockedthis item in previous versions of the game.
* The quests can becomplete in any amount of time. However,the additional rewards thatyou can see in the information above are rewards that you can gain bycompleting the quest within a limited time frame. You will be able tosee this timer in the Goal Menu screen for that quest. The timer willbegin from when you first unlock that particular quest. Discoveryquests are an exception to this, the timer for these start when youfinish building the required building or tap 'Begin Quest' in the caseof characters showing up somewhere.
Happy Simming!
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Technical support(ifyour game does not work as expected, like no goals, nobuilding options, crashes and such) use: https://firemonkeys.zendesk.com/
If you are havingtrouble with anything else with the game, please use the unofficial forum, there are many peoplethere who can and likely will answer your questions: http://simsfp.perturbee.netSuperToddler Secret Mission
Availablewith the Baby Steps update from the 13th of August (some locations might receive it after 9am)!
Please note that the Facebook Friends bug (not showing neighbours inthe game on Android) is still NOT fixed!
This discovery(meaning it doesn't start automatically) quest isavailable from level 12 upwards and requires you to have a toddler(thus finished 'A Quest for Toddlers', which also means you should havefinished 'A need for Steed').
A pint-sized cartoonhero has been spotted at the Stables. Your Sim's toddler shouldinvestigate. Who knows what will happen!
Sims Freeplay Secret Door
Embark on a mission to save the world with Superpower Ultra!
Complete this quest to get:
-The Finger Painting hobby
-Toddler Cartoon Hero costumes
Note: You need a toddler to do this quest.
Thetimer starts when you tap Superpower Ultra at the Stables, then tapBeginQuest!
Completethis quest to unlock the Finger Painting hobby!
Complete this questwithin the 7 days time limit to earn these Cartoon Hero costumes foryourtoddlers!
Anexcitingadventure awaits alongside every toddler's favorite cartoon hero! JoinSuperpower Ultra in a secret mission!
Note: the how-todo actions are in the descriptions of the tasks, Read Them!
Pleasenote: Superpower Ultrapoofs away and appears elsewhere on the house lot randomly, so youmight have to search for him from time to time!
- Greet Superpower Ultra (1 min)
- Accept Mission (2 mins)
- Send a Toddler home
- Draw a Plan of Action (12 hrs 30 mins)
- Ask for Milk and Cookies (2 hrs 30 mins, activate your Toddler, thentap an Adult)
- Give Cookies to a Toddler (1 min, make sure you pick the rightcabinet)
- Ask for a Second Plate (5 mins)
- Grabthe Second Plate of Cookies (5 hrs 30 mins)
- Give Cookies to Superpower Ultra (6 hrs 30 mins)
- AcceptSidekickRole(15mins)
- Watch Cartoons (2 hrs 50 mins)
- Victory Dance with Superpower Ultra (5 hrs 30 mins)
-Escape on a Rocking Horse (12 hrs 30 mins)
- Return to the Stables
- Slowly Approach Horse (2 hrs 50 mins)
- Lookfor a Carrot(11 hrs 30 mins)
- Give a Carrot to a Horse (4 mins)
- Talk to a Horse (5 hrs)
- Return Home
- Take a Time Out (19 hrs)
- Apologize to an Adult (5 mins)
- Watch Cartoons Together (5 hrs)
- Play Tag with Superpower Ultra (10 secs)
- Learn the Secret Handshake (1 day)
-Share Adventures (8 hrs 30 mins, requires an available Adult/Teen)
Please note:Superpower Ultra poofs away and appears elsewhere on the house lotrandomly, so you might have to search for him from time to time!
- Greet Superpower Ultra (1 min)
(Superpower Ultra, the ultimate pint-sized cartoon hero, hasbeen spotted at the stables! Cartoon heroes don't usually stop by yourSims' town, so your toddler is curious.
Have a toddler greet Superpower Ultra at the Stables.)
- Accept Mission (2 mins)
(Superpower Ultra came to check on his minions, the horses.How odd that they're four times his size! He also has a secret missionand would really appreciate your toddler's help.
Have a toddler accept the mission from Superpower Ultra at the Stables.)
- Send a Toddler home
(Superpower Ultra needs to recharge his powers with milk andcookies, which are guarded by the Parent Alliance inside their SuperSecret Home Base. Let's see what challenges are ahead.
Send a toddler home, and Superpower Ultra will follow.)
- Draw a Plan of Action (12 hrs 30 mins)
(With his X-ray vision, Superpower Ultra sees the powercookies in the Giant Locked Cupboard. How could your toddler get them?The heroes need a plan.
Have toddler create a 'Plan of Action' on a blackboard. You can buy onein the 'Toddler' tab of the Home Store.)
- Ask for Milk and Cookies (2 hrs 30 mins, activate your Toddler, thentap an Adult)
(What a daring plan! It requires more courage and wits thana normal Sim should have, but if Superpower Ultra doesn't get hispowers back, terrible things could happen. Your toddler is ready to dothe impossible.
Have a toddler ask an adult for some milk and cookies.)
- Give Cookies to a Toddler (1 min, make sure you pick the rightcabinet)
(The Parent Alliance agrees to open the Giant LockedCupboard and give your toddler some cookies.
Have an adult Sim 'Give Cookies' from a 'Classic Wall Cabinet.' You canbuy one from the 'Countertop' section of the Home Store.)
- Ask for a Second Plate (5 mins)
(Your toddler licks their fingers clean of cookie crumbs andrealizes that Superpower Ultra doesn't have a plate! Didn't the ParentAlliance see him standing there with a sad look on his face?
Have a toddler ask for a second plate of cookies.)
- Grabthe Second Plate of Cookies (5 hrs 30 mins)
(The Parent Alliance says that imaginary friends are cute,but don't get to have cookies. Imaginary? The only thing your toddlerunderstands is that the Parent Alliance won't help. At least the GiantLocked Cupboard has been unlocked.
While the Parent Alliance isn't looking, have a toddler grab the secondplate of cookies from 'Classic Wall Cabinet.')
- Give Cookies to Superpower Ultra (6 hrs 30 mins)
(Your toddler almost drops the plate before finding theirfooting. Victory! Superpower Ultra jumps for joy.
Have a toddler give the cookies to Superpower Ultra before the ParentAlliance returns!)
- AcceptSidekickRole(15mins)
(All serious with his crumbs and milk moustache, SuperpowerUltra says that your toddler has proven their worth and asks if theywould like to be his sidekick.
Have a toddler accept the role of sidekick from Superpower Ultra.)
- Watch Cartoons (2 hrs 50 mins)
(Great! Your toddler needs a sidekick name. Something thatsends shivers down the spine of evil doers. None of your toddler'sideas seem to quite hit the mark. They need inspiration.
Watch cartoons on a TV to find a sidekick name.)
- Victory Dance with Superpower Ultra (5 hrs 30 mins)
(Your toddler is now the Mighty Megaforce, conqueror ofGiant Locked Cupboards everywhere. The power duo is so excited abouttheir accomplishments and new name that a victory dance is in order.
Have a toddler 'Victory Dance' with Superpower Ultra.)
-Escape on a Rocking Horse (12 hrs 30 mins)
(In the distance, someone calls your toddler's name. TheParent Alliance found two empty plates of cookies, and is onto you!Quick! Escape!
Have a toddler grab a rocking horse, and perform an 'Escape.' A rockinghorse can be found in the 'Toddler' section of the Children's Store.)
- Return to the Stables
(Your toddler is out of breath from all the giggling andflailing arms. They stop rocking and look around. Where's SuperpowerUltra? Has he returned to his minions?
Have a toddler return to the Stables on Mystery Island to look forSuperpower Ultra.)
- Slowly Approach Horse (2 hrs 50 mins)
(The Stables feel.. empty. A super presence is missing.Your toddler wants to ask Superpower Ultra's minions where he went, butthey're so big! It's a bit scary.
Have a toddler 'Slowly Approach' a horse at the stables.)
- Lookfor a Carrot(11 hrs 30 mins)
(Your toddler couldn't do it! Maybe they would feel safe ifthey brought a treat to the horses. They're Mighty Megaforce! Theycan't give up!
Have a toddler 'Look for a Carrot' at the Stables.)
- Give a Carrot to a Horse (4 mins)
(Still hesitant despite the carrot in their hand, yourtoddler approaches the massive minions at the stables.
Have a toddler give a horse a carrot at the Stables.)
- Talk to a Horse (5 hrs)
(Your toddler kept their fingers out of the way as the horsegrabbed the carrot from their hand. After the crunching is done, thehorse lowers its head a bit and blinks.
Have a toddler 'Talk to' a horse at the Stables.)
- Return Home
(The horse quickly raises its head, stomps a hoof, and letsout a neigh. Understood. Superpower Ultra left to help another kid introuble. Your toddler's shoulders slump. The fun had just started, butcartoon heroes have good deeds to do.
Have a toddler return home.)
- Take a Time Out (19 hrs)
(The Parent Alliance isn't in a good mood when your toddlergets home. Why did they take more cookies and where have they been?Your toddler stutters an explanation about Superpower Ultra and themission, but the Parent Alliance won't hear it! Your toddler must takea Time Out.
Have a toddler take a 'Time Out' on a bed.)
- Apologize to an Adult (5 mins)
(After some time alone, your toddler has an idea. They willuse the Secret Weapon against the Parent Alliance: cuteness and anapology!
Have a toddler apologize to an adult Sim.)
- Watch Cartoons Together (5 hrs)
(It worked! The sad lipped 'I'm sowwy' can melt the heart ofany adult. The Parent Alliance asks if your toddler would like to watchsome cartoons with them, and mend any wounds. What a great idea!
Have a toddler watch cartoons, and then have an adult Sim 'Join In'.)
- Play Tag with Superpower Ultra (10 secs)
(Superpower Ultra is in the cartoons with his new sidekick,Mighty Megaforce, saving the world! Your toddler is right in the action!
The Parent Alliance hands your toddler a 'secret' message written incrayon: 'I'm waiting outside for a game of tag. - Superpower Ultra.'
Have a toddler play 'Tag' with Superpower Ultra.)
- Learn the Secret Handshake (1 day)
(After a quick session of tag, Superpower Ultra wants toteach something to your toddler before he goes: the Super SecretHandshake!
Have a toddler 'Learn Secret Handshake' from Superpower Ultra before heleaves.)
- ShareAdventures (8 hrs 30 mins, requires an available Adult/Teen)
(TheParent Alliance calls Mighty Megaforce's name. It's time for a bath,and then bed. Your toddler has a lot of stories to tell before they cansleep.
Have a toddler'Share their Adventures' while taking a bath.)
The Sims Freeplay Dark Secret House
You have unlocked the super messy and creative Finger Painting Hobbyfor your toddler Sims!
Find the Finger Painting Easel in the 'Hobby' section of the PromotionsR Us store.
You've obtained a whole set of Cartoon Hero outfits for your toddlers.Find them in any wardrobe and watch your toddlers act out their wildestfantasies!
This is immediately followed by the Finger Painting Event (a hobbyfor toddlers). More on that hobby in a separate post.
Happy Simming!
Technical support (if your game does not work as expected, like no goals, no building options, crashes and such) use: https://firemonkeys.zendesk.com/
The comments are closed for this blog, if you are having trouble, please use the unofficial forum, there are many people there who can and likely will answer your questions: http://simsfp.perturbee.net
Sims Freeplay For Ipad Cheats
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Download Sims Freeplay For Computer
Based on a work at http://simfsfp.blogspot.com(Also available through http://sfptips.perturbee.net/).